- Visit the nearest Jeevan Pramaan centre (location details at www.jeevanpramaan gov.in) or download the App from the portal on your pc/Android mobile(requires a biometric scanner).
- Pensioners with Aadhar number can biometrically authenticate their presence by by giving Aadhar and mobile number and provide necessary information like Pension Payment order number, bank name ,bank account number.
- Receive instant SMS acknowledgement regarding your Digital Life Certificate on submission.
- Online transfer of Life Certificate to Pension Disbursing Agencies .
- SMS confirmation from disbursing agencies after processing of the life certificate with in 24 hours.
- Pensioners without Aadhar number can enrol for Aadhar at the nearest Aadhar Enrolment Centre and authenticate their presence after receiving Aadhar number. For details about Aadhar enrolment visit www.uidai.gov.in.